Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Party Caucuses on Monday Night

Attend your precinct's Democratic Party caucus on Feb 1.  It starts at 7 pm but you should arrive before that.  Try for 6:30 if you have not attended before or if you expect many people to be arriving all at once.  Fifty people cannot all sign in at once!  There were that many at the Rolfe caucus in 2008, so plan accordingly for your own caucus.

Here's are the locations:

Laurens State Bank. will host Laurens, Swan Lake Township and sections 1-6 of Marshall Township,

Rolfe Community Center will host Rolfe, Plover, Havelock and the surrounding rural areas.  The rural areas include all of Cummins, Powhatan, and Des Moines Townships plus sections 1-12 of Sherman Township, sections 1-18 of Roosevelt Township, and sections 1-30 of Garfield Township.

Fonda city hall will host Varina, Fonda, Cedar, Colfax and Dover Townships.

The Courthouse in Pocahontas will host everybody else.  That's four different precincts sprawling from west to east across the county including Palmer and Gilmore City.  Find your proper precinct when you arrive.

You can see a map of precincts here--

Map of Precincts in Pocahontas County

This information also appears in the Pocahontas County Advertiser both last week and this week, but they don't have the map.

The caucus is a party building event.  It is not a primary election but it is treated like one by the press.  That's because we will select delegates to the next level of party activity---the county convention.  We will select them based on who they support for President.  Now is your chance to join the party and pick the delegates.  You can be one of the delegates to the county convention in March.

Delegate selection will not be the first order of business but it will be the most interesting.  Bring your children.  It's democracy in action---better than just marking a ballot in November.

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