Vote at the Courthouse every day beginning October 4. Vote by mail by submitting this form or making your own form that has all the same information:
Carmella Schultes of Rolfe thinks bigger than our current state representative. Find more at Schultes for District 10
Re-elect county supervisors Ed Dewey of Pocahontas and Jeff Ives who represents Rolfe and the area over to Cummins Township.
J.D. Scholten is such a good candidate for Congress that the Republican wannabe is hiding from him.
Theresa Greenfield will represent Iowa in the Senate, Our current Senator just represents the Republican party line.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will bring back family values (instead of greed) and civil respect (instead of name-calling). Vote for them.
We have never had a President like the current one. He is running against the very idea of elections. Vote him out in such a landslide that other Republicans will be afraid of voters rather than afraid of Trump's tweets.
If you must, you can wait until Nov 3. Then go to your local polling place before 9 pm.
We have two new polling sites. Laurens will vote at the Methodist Church. All three Pocahontas polls will be at the Expo Center on the county fairgrounds east of the Courthouse.