Wednesday, December 18, 2019

2020 Caucus Sites: Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Pocahontas

We are ready for our Presidential caucus to be held at 7 pm on Feb 3, 2020.  Here are the sites and conveners:

If you vote in Laurens, caucus at the school.
If you vote in Fonda, caucus at Weinzetl's party room.
If you vote in Rolfe, caucus at the Community Center.

If you vote at the Pocahontas fire station on Hwy 4, go up the road a bit and caucus at the county conservation office.  You will be sharing space with the people who vote in Palmer--two caucuses meeting at separate tables in the same room.

If you vote at the Courthouse or at the Pocahontas Library, caucus at PAC high school vocal music room.

These caucuses will be called to order by Amber Evans, Carmella Schultes, Jerry Depew, Laura Todd, Chandler Todd, Catherine Edgerton, and Ian Lumsden.  The first order of business will be to elect a chairman, so you can still command your caucus if you want to run for the job that night.

We will also select a man and a woman from each precinct to create a new county central committee.  These people will have control of the county party.

And most notably we will begin to chose a better President by standing up for our favorite candidate and selecting delegates to a county convention.  Stronger candidates get to claim more delegates.

Come on out.  Bring your kids.  Democracy depends on who shows up!

You can learn the site of your caucus or of any other caucus in Iowa at this link:

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