Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Auditor Bunda Addresses Caucus

County Auditor Margene Bunda was the highlight of the Pocahontas Democratic Party caucus Tuesday night.  Bunda provided maps of the new county supervisor districts and the new polling place arrangements.  The biggest changes are the closing of polling places in Havelock, Plover, Gilmore City, and Varina.  The supervisor districts have barely changed.

The purpose of the caucus is to select delegates to the county, state and national  conventions. Since there was no one challenging President Obama, disaffected Democrats who feel Obama has failed them probably stayed home.  However, at least one precinct elected a delegate who is not committed to Obama.  

Thirty delegates were selected for the county convention in March.  There were only thirty-six people who attended the eleven precinct caucuses in this county, so virtually all of them will have been elected to represent their caucus at the county convention in Pocahontas about ten weeks away. 

The caucuses began with a chili supper and an address by President Obama via video feed.  The technology was too much for us, however, as the feed failed.   Sherri Williams of Pocahontas was understudy for Obama for nearly fifteen minutes before a telephone connection was established.  The audience was quiet enough to hear the speaker phone audio of the last fifteen minutes of Obama's remarks.

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